Critical Thought into Critical Action
Equality for Women
In your own church, work with others to create gender inclusive or at least gender neutral liturgy, for instance, every time “He,” or “Father” occurs in traditional texts, substitute “God.” Insist on services and programming that welcome LGBT people, people of color and people of other faiths.
Be deliberate in creating gender-balanced clergy and volunteer staffing. The historical Church was built as a patriarchy. Jesus wouldn’t want it. Mary wouldn’t want it. Paul wouldn’t want it. You can help change it.
Economic Justice
Get involved in a local organization that challenges unfair employment practices such as payday lending, wage theft, human trafficking, employer tactics to bust collective bargaining, etc. Explore the organizations in your area.
Social Justice
Your vote matters. Inform yourself about and vote on key issues:
- Commitments to a pluralistic culture
- Public education
- Gender-balancing in national and local politics
- Economic policy and practice that addresses fairness in the work place
- The protection of voting rights without regard to religion, sex and race