MIND CHATTER: Be still and know

​Did I turn the oven off?  Where did I put my glasses?  Oh my god, I forgot Helen’s birthday!  I’ve got to have this project finished by Friday!  Did I remember to feed the dog?  The traffic is horrible!  I’m going to be late! What if my cancer returns?  Don’t forget to pick up Emerson from school today.  I’ll never make this deadline!  Did I pay the water bill?

We are bombarded by thoughts _ Examining the past and anticipating the future.  Is it important that we become aware of our thoughts, sensations and feelings?

Religion Dispatches’ Max Zahn interviewed Google’s “Jolly Good Fellow” Chade-Meng Tan  about Mindfulness as a way of paying attention to and seeing clearly whatever is happening in our lives and responding in a calm manner.  Follow this link to read more.  http://religiondispatches.org/rich-people-need-inner-peace-too-an-interview-with-googles-jolly-good-fellow-chade-meng-tan/

For more Religion Dispatches articles follow http://religiondispatches.org/