Does Christianity Have A Future? Schism, Scandal and Loss of the Sacred




Experience renowned theologians Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, and Joan Chittister together live on stage exploring topics of faith and life with honesty, integrity, and expertise.

Audiences can look forward to serious and useful examination about whether Christianity has a future or not. This FAITHANDREASON® seminar was held at Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral, Houston, TX, October 18 & 19, 2013.

Available as a DVD or USB Flash Drive. Select your media option below.

Session 1

Marcus Borg – Why I Am Still a Christian
Joan Chittister, OSB – Why I Am Still a Catholic
John Dominic Crossan – Why I Am Still a Christian

Session 2

Marcus Borg – Progressive Christianity and the Christian Future
Joan Chittister, OSB – Who Is God In An Evolutionary World?
John Dominic Crossan – Covenant & Divine Violence

Session 3

Marcus Borg – The Cross and the Christian Future
Joan Chittister, OSB – American Women and the Women of the World
John Dominic Crossan – Jesus & Divine Violence

Session 4

Questions & Answers with Marcus Borg, Joan Chittister, and John Dominic Crossan

