The Faith & Reason Holiday Gift Guide

Give the gift of inspiration this holiday season. 


The Gift For:

history buffs, theologians 

The Last Week

John Dominic Crossan, David Dykes, Ann Phelps

Digital Download: $14.99

Part historical exploration, part theological inquiry, part meditation, the new audio series The Last Week vividly brings to life the key moments leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection and provides space for personal reflection. Even if you know the Easter story well, “The Last Week” will enhance your understanding and create the space to reflect on its meaning in today’s world.

Buy now. 


The Gift For:

contemplative thinkers, women and women’s rights advocates

The Ten Commandments: Laws Of The Heart

Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB

DVD: $49.95 | USB Flash Drive: $54.95

In this series, Joan Chittister, OSB, invites us to think deeply about the moral fibers of our society.  She presents the idea that the Ten Commandments are an adventure in human growth and that we are not so much convicted by them as we are transformed by them.  “What does it mean to us, to the world, to preserve the Ten Commandments as the bedrock of our civilization?” Sr. Joan offers an honest and refreshing approach to the Ten Commandments unlike anything else today.

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The Gift For: 

justice seekers, scholarly thinkers

God & Imperial Power, Jesus & Economic Injustice

John Dominic Crossan & Joerg Rieger

2 DVD set: $35

In the FAITHANDREASON® Seminar, “God & Imperial Power: Jesus & Economic Injustice,” John Dominic Crossan and Joerg Rieger expand our awareness of the historic collusion between Christianity and the empires of the west, from Jesus’ non-violent program of resistance to Roman Imperialism under Augustus, to the imperialistic “partnerships” of the 21st Century.

Buy now. 


The Gift For:

church leaders, teachers, peacemakers

The Challenge of Paul: Theme 1-4

John Dominic Crossan

DVD: $49.95 each | USB: $54.95 each

Paul is one of Christianity’s most impactful, yet most debated and misunderstood figures. In “The Challenge of Paul,” John Dominic Crossan gives us the benefit of his lifelong search for the Paul of history to create a new understanding that sheds new light on Paul and why he is more relevant than ever today.

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