John Dominic Crossan


Challenge of Paul, Theme 4: Paul & God Resource Guide


Traditional Christian notions about the relationship between God and Justice have tended to convey the meaning that God will ultimately reward the good and punish the bad. Each one of us has engaged in thinking that she or he would like to provide God a list of those who deserve to be punished, preferably the sooner the better.

“To Make a Just World”, Dom Crossan, in his inimical way, turns such old ideas upside down. He insists that to understand Paul’s teaching on the “justice of God”, we consider two traditions: first, we must look to the Prophets of Israel and historical Jesus; second, we must look to first century Roman understanding of how to make a just world.

This free download contains the participant discussion questions for Challenge of Paul, Theme 4: Paul & God.

The Challenge of Paul

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